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Choose a gift below and help transform lives!

Trafficking Prevention Flip Book
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Equip a prevention trainer with a visual teaching aid! Provide a flip book that educates vulnerable families about human trafficking and how to avoid it. This gift could be a great option for a child to purchase to help prevent trafficking!

Emergency Assistance Kit
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Provide essential food & medicine to a survivor or at-risk family who needs emergency assistance. This kit will help them avoid further exploitation during times of crisis.

Teach Trafficking Awareness
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Empower local village leaders to protect a vulnerable family with trafficking prevention training and ongoing support for one family member.

Welcome Bundle
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Trafficking survivors frequently escape with only the clothes they are wearing. Provide a young woman with initial necessities upon her safe arrival at our transitional home in the Ratanak Centre.

Mom and Baby Care
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When young trafficking survivors arrive back to Cambodia in ill-health and pregnant from forced marriages, the thought of bringing a new life into their world can be overwhelming. Relieve the stress of affording essential baby items by providing care packages for mom and baby, giving them a strong start in their lives together.

Going Home with Dignity
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Provide trafficking survivors with food and household supplies as they reintegrate back to their communities so they don't have to return home empty-handed.

Initial Medical Care
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After a trafficking experience, survivors often need medical care and deserve to have their health prioritized. Provide an initial health checkup and necessary treatments for those returning home to Cambodia.

Fix a Survivor's House
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From fixing the plumbing of a toilet, to improving sanitation, or repairing a leaky roof—help create a safe and secure home for survivors as they heal.

Hope for Healing
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Give survivors a chance to experience deep emotional healing from their traumatic trafficking experiences through our caring and skilled therapist team. Help them also access the medical and dental care and treatment they need to physically heal and recover from injuries, illnesses and malnutrition.

Freedom Package
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Ensure all survivors of trafficking have resources and support to build hope for their future. Give a survivor medical care, therapy, education opportunities, vocational training and economic empowerment to start afresh.

Buy a Chicken
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Give towards the purchase of one chicken and chicken feed as part of a chicken farm startup for a survivor to support themselves. This gift could be a great option for a child to purchase to help a trafficking survivor to rebuild their life!

Equip a Survivor for their New Career
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After completing a job training program and receiving a job placement, survivors often don't have resources to buy the safety equipment or uniforms they need to start their new job. Help them to be equipped and prepared for the best start possible at a new career where they can live free from exploitation and safely support themselves and their families.

Job Training Program for a Stable Future
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When job options are severely limited, trafficking survivors are vulnerable to re-exploitation. Break this cycle by giving a survivor the chance to learn an employable skill and assistance with job placement so they can safely earn an income.

Agricultural Livelihood Startup
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You can help a trafficking survivor to sustainably support themselves and their family after returning to their rural home community. Purchase agricultural supplies to start a small chicken farm or equipment to grow rice and vegetables more effectively, providing enough food and income to keep a survivor safe from being re-trafficked.

Micro-Business Setup
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Empower a trafficking survivor to support themselves after returning to their community. Provide startup costs for a micro-business like a tailoring shop, hair salon, juice stand or grocery stall.


Enter an amount and give where it's needed most!

*Ratanak International has committed to undertake all of the activities highlighted in this gift guide within our 2024 project year. Your gift will be designated towards our “Services for the Vulnerable and Exploited” fund, out of which all of these items will be funded. 100% of your gift will go to Cambodia. Names, details and images have been altered as appropriate to protect the identity and privacy of survivors on their journey of healing.